Probably, everyone has ever faced a situation when you need a small sum of money for a shortterm. Online loans are the best and the most convenient way to get money quickly in such cases.The main advantage of such a way is a possibility to get the money even without leaving your house. You should simply select the desired offer and fill in your request. Then youll get the money in the way youve chosen."Get Money" app contains the best current offers of online loans in Kenya.Just take some simple steps to get the money:
1. Install "Get Money" app;2. Choose the offer you like;3. Fill in your request for a loan and select the convenient way for receipt of money;4. Your request will be reviewed for a while. If your request is approved, youll get the money.Usually service conditions (maximal sum of a loan, payment schedule, the interest rate) are individual for each client. You can review current conditions and rules for receiving a loan on a site of the chosen company, after registration or filling in your request.
As well as any other financial tool, microcredits can be either useful or rather dangerous and risky for a consumer. We are aiming to help people to use credit products as much effective as possible. During the installation of the app, we scan some data from your phone in order to find the most suitable offers for you. In the future, these data will help us to predict the probability of a loan approval in each specific company. Well notify you on it.
Confidentiality: All your data are secured by modern equipment and ciphered. Safety of the transferred information on the Internet is provided by SSL/TLS protocols. We treat your private life responsibly and guarantee that your personal information wont ever become available at open access and wont be transferred to any 3rd party without your personal consent.